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Sometimes Honesty Is the Best Policy

In more than 40 years as a salesperson, Jacques Werth has accomplished at least two things: He's made a lot of money and learned a lot about sales, enough to write a book entitled High Probability Selling. Werth's view of selling is simple but unusual: just be honest. The following is from an interview with Werth.

Q: What is the biggest mistake that salespeople make?
A: Most people think that it's important to be aggressive in sales, but the opposite is true. Aggressive people are too pushy. They try to persuade people -- to convince them to buy.
Q: Why? Aren't salespeople supposed to persuade people?
A: Most people dislike being persuaded. It's much better to find consumers who want to buy your product and arrive at an agreement that makes everybody happy.
Q: How do you do that?
A: You find out quickly who isn't going to buy your product and move on. People may be interested, but they're not necessarily going to buy. They just waste your time.
Q: So what kind of person makes the best salesperson?
A: Honest people who will listen to the customer and tell the truth.


  1. Do you think honesty is the best policy in sales?
  2. What do salespeople do to persuade people to buy their products? Which ways are less acceptable?