Business Culture

Reception Desk Etiquette

If you're sitting behind a reception desk, you're the first person to interact with a visitor, and you can set the tone for the visit. You can give a visitor a great first impression or annoy him / her so much that he / she mentions you to the person he / she comes to see. All visitors should be welcomed warmly. The visitor isn't interrupting your business; the visitor IS your business.


Look up when someone approaches your desk and smile. If you're on a personal call, hang up immediately. If you're on a business call, make eye contact with the visitor to indicate that you see him / her and will be with him / her shortly. As soon as you've finished your phone call, focus on the visitor with a smile. Apologise for the delay. Ask how you can help. Put warmth into the question so it doesn't seem offhand.

Welcoming etiquette

Ask the visitor if he / she would like to have a seat while you contact the person referred to. Depending on your company's policy, offer coffee or tea or direct the visitor to the coffee room. Offer to hang up his / her coat or show where it can be hung.

Call the person who will be meeting the visitor. Use Ms. or Mr. when announcing the visitor.

Focus on the visitor

For the receptionist, a visitor should be the most important person in the reception area. You should meet other co-workers somewhere else.

Persona] manner

Besides smiling, modulate your voice. Be aware that you can convey what you think by the tone of your voice.

Desk appearance

Don't eat at your desk. If you can't avoid it, choose foods that don't have a lingering aroma. In other words, no pizza or spaghetti. Keep a clean desk, even if you have other tasks to do besides dealing with visitors.