Read the following instructions about how to leave a message.

  1. Introduction, e.g.
    Hello, this is Ken. / Hello. My name is Ken Beare (more, formal,) of Clear Glass.
  2. State the time of day and your reason for calling, e.g.
    It's 10 a.m. on the 5th of June. I'm phoning / calling / ringing to find out if.. / to see if.. / to let you know that ... / to tell you that ...
  3. Make a request, e.g.
    Could you call / ring / telephone me back? / Would you mind calling me back?
  4. Leave your telephone number, e.g.
    My number is ... / You can reach me at ... / Couldyou call me at ...
  5. Finish, e.g.
    Thanks a lot. Bye. / I'll talk to you later. Bye.

Use the above instructions to leave a message. Suppose you are Bob Jones. You call Mr. Smith, the Sales Manager of Sound Dream Company, about their curtains. You would like him to call your phone number 576-8892 until five this afternoon.