Language Expansion
Making enquiries about flights, luggage and check-in times
Are the flights to London non-stop?
Can I break my journey in Chicago?
Can I stop in New York?
Does that flight go every afternoon?
The allowance per passenger is 25kg.
How much should I pay for the overweight luggage / excess weight?
What time am I supposed to check in?
You'll have to get to the airport one hour before the departure time.
Booking airline tickets
May I have a ticket to Chicago for February 12?
Can I book a flight to Shanghai for May 9, please?
How do you want to fly, economy or first class?
I'd like to fly / go economy.
Checking in at the airport
Here's your boarding card / pass, ticket and passport.
How many pieces of luggage would you like to check in?
Can I hand-carry this bag?
Going through customs
People who haven't got anything to declare, please go through the Green Lane.
Your personal belongings are duty-free.
Open your suitcase, please.
I'm not sure whether my camera needs to be declared or not.
How much duty should I pay on these cigarettes?
Making a reservation in a hotel
I'd like to book a room for two nights.
May I have a double room with the park view?
Do you offer a wake-up call service for guests?
When do you serve meals?
I wonder what's the rate for a twin room, please.
What's the rate for the luxury suite from January 1st to 3rd?
I'd like a moderately priced room.
Price is no problem. I'd like a well-equipped room.
Checking in at a hotel
I telephoned to make a reservation last week. My name is John Green.
I have booked a double room in your hotel.
Let me check. Oh, yes, Room 507 is reserved for you.
Yes, right. I have your reservation right here.
Would you please sign your name in the arrival / registration form / card?
Here's your key. Your room is on the 9th floor.
The porter will take your luggage up.
The bellboy will show you the way.
Checking out
I'm in Room 303. I will come downstairs to check out in a few minutes. Would you please get my bill ready?
I'm leaving tomorrow. Will you close my account, please?
I want to check out now. Could you prepare the bill for me?
Can you charge it to my credit card?
It comes to a total of RMB ¥980.